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Improvement Association

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Learn more about the The Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association, MyFields online program and the seed laws below.

The Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) is the outgrowth of a 1904 organization of Kay County (Oklahoma Corn Growers Association). In 1909, the organization became the Oklahoma Corn Club and in 1912 it became the Oklahoma Seed Growers Association. In 1922, it became the Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association and was officially incorporated in 1930 under the laws of Oklahoma as a non-profit , non-stock cooperative association. In 1937, the Oklahoma State Legislature passed House Bill 513 known as the Oklahoma State Seed Certification law. In 1938, an agreement was reached between OCIA and the Oklahoma A&M College (now Oklahoma State University) authorizing OCIA to conduct the certification of seeds, plants, and plant parts within the state of Oklahoma. In 1963, House Bill 881 updated the original law. The memorandum of agreement between OSU (the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources) and OCIA has been updated several times and was last modified in 1992.


Seed certification in Oklahoma is based on both genetic and mechanical standards. All Oklahoma certified seed must meet minimum standards for genetic purity, germination, mechanical purity and be free of certain diseases and noxious weed seed. The standards are established and modified from time to time by the OCIA Board of Directors. However, all OCIA standards are equal to or more stringent than the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) standards.


The OCIA is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of nine members representing all areas of the state and two ex-officio members (the Head of the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at OSU and the Director of  Plant Industry and Consumer services (Oklahoma Department of Agriculture). All certification activities are conducted in close cooperation with the faculty and staff of the Oklahoma Foundation Seed Stocks (OFSS) and the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at OSU. The Executive Director of OCIA also serves as the Director of Oklahoma Pedigreed Seed Services (OCIA and OFSS) and is on the OSU faculty.


Major crops certified in Oklahoma include wheat, peanuts, rye, and grasses. Other crops certified include mungbean, triticale,  canola, cowpea, alfalfa, oats, and barley . Average acreage certified each year is about 80,000. All classes of certified seed (Foundation, Registered, and Certified) are included.



Since 2017 OCIA has been using the MyFields online program applying for field certification.  To start, you MUST create an account and only ONE account.  You will receive an email notification when we have accepted your account and then you will be able to start entering your field certification applications.  Please do not try to enter any information until you receive the email of approval.  To assist you in making application(s) for certification we offer the following information:

  • OCIA planting record: It is strongly advised that you use this form to gather your information as it will ease the completion of your application in the MyFields program.
  • You may also download the "How To" booklet for your use.  It provides step by step instructions to enter the necessary information.
  • You may watch videos on creating your field applications through the MyFields Program.


Seed Laws

View the resources below for the Federal Seed Act.