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Improvement Association

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A Certificate of Inspection will be issued only when all the information requested on the form below has been provided. A “Provisional” Certificate of Inspection will be issued if the amount intended for certification is greater than the amount of seed after cleaning. Complete the information and enclose in the sample container.


Contact OCIA for official sample bags and laboratory information.


Consolidating Seed Produced in Separate Fields

Seed of the same variety produced in separate fields by an applicant may be binned and conditioned as one lot provided the inspection repost of the fields are similar. Seed of the same variety produced in separate fields which are not of a similar condition or class at the time of inspection may also be bulked. In such cases the information for the bulked seed shall be taken from the inspection report on the filed found to be in poorest condition at inspection.


When Conditioning Seed for Certification

All equipment used to harvest, handle, store or condition certifiable seed must be thoroughly cleaned and free of any possible contamination. It is the responsibility of the grower to see that custom or public equipment used to condition certifiable see is thoroughly cleaned before conditioning commences.


Points to check before conditioning of certifiable seed is permitted to commence include receiving pits and bins, elevator legs, elevators, auger, conveyors, all parts of the cleaner (especially screens and brushes, if any), grader or treater (if used), clean seed bins, bagging equipment, etc.


Requesting Seed Testing Services

For certified seed lots only:


  • Wheat and Small Grains (2 pounds needed)
    • Standard Certification Test – germination, purity, seed count, and noxious
  • Peanuts (1 pound treated, 1 ½ pound untreated needed)
    • Standard Certification Test – germination, purity, seed count, and noxious


Please fill out the form below for seed conditioning.