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Amplification of General Certification Standards

The General Certification Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to alfalfa seed.


The region of adaptation of seed production of a given variety shall be that recommended by the originating plant breeder and, in the United States, meeting the requirements of the National Certified Alfalfa Variety Review Board.


Foundation, Registered and Certified seed of alfalfa are produced under a limited generation system as defined in XLI A. Oklahoma growers located below the 36° parallel may produce only the Certified class of alfalfa seed of those varieties

adapted to the northern and central regions.


For a field of alfalfa to be eligible for certification, the grower must notify the Association during the year of planting that he intends to certify subsequent crops of the stand, although it is not necessary to certify the first or any subsequent year’s crops.


Land Requirements

A crop of the same kind must not have been grown or planted on land for four, three and one year prior to stand establishment for producing the Foundation, Registered and Certified classes, respectively; except two years are required for the production of the certified class of seed of varieties adapted to the northern and central regions following varieties adapted to the southern region.


During the year immediately prior to the seeding of any class of seed, the land shall be free from volunteer plants. No manure or other contaminating amendments shall be applied the year previous to seeding or during the established and productive life of the stand.


Field Inspection

Each year a seed crop in produced for certification, at least one official field inspection shall be made at such time as to best determine varietal purity.


Field Standards


General Requirements

Unit of Certification

The unit of certification shall be filed, but a portion of a field may be approved provided the discarded portion can beharvested separately and is eliminated from certification.


Isolation1, 2.

To be eligible for certification, an alfalfa seed field must be isolated from other alfalfa fields as follows:

Class Less than 5 acres More than 5 acres
Foundation 900 feet 600 feet
Registered 450 feet 300 feet
Certified 165 feet 165 feet3


Specific Field Requirements

Factor Standards for Each Class: Foundation Standards for Each Class: Registered Standards for Each Class: Certified
Other varieties1 :Variety 1:100 1:400 1:100
Sweet clover None 10 160
Other inseparable legumes None 1 plant per acre 1 plant per acre
Objectionable weeds2 None None None

1In determining variety or strain purity, plants shall be recognized as impurities only when they can be distinguished with certainty. This also involves flower color and plant characteristics.
2Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), dodder (Cuscuta ssp.) and dock (Rumex spp.)


Referee Sample

A representative one-pound sample of the seed as it is to be sold from each lot shall be submitted to the Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association.


Seed Standards

Factor Standards for Each Class: Foundation Standards for Each Class: Registered Standards for Each Class:Certified
Pure seed (minimum) 99.00% 99.00% 99.00%
Inert matter (maximum) 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
Weed seed (maximum) 0.10% 0.20% 0.50%
Objectionable weeds (maximum)1 None 9 per lb 9 per lb
Prohibited weeds (maximum)2 None None None
Other kinds3 0.10% 0.10% 0.50%
Other varieties (maximum) None 0.10% 0.50%
Total germination and hard seed (minimum) 80.00%  80.00%  80.00% 

1The following objectionable weeds may have a tolerance as listed in above table: red or sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), horsenettle (Solanum carolinese) and purple night shade (Solanum elaeagnifolium).
2See Section XLI P.
3Sweetclover seed (maximum): Foundation – none; Registered – 9 per lb; Certified – 18 per lb