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Improvement Association

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Land Requirements

Land to be used for the production of Foundation, Registered and Certified cotton seed must be free from volunteer cotton plants.


Field Inspection

At least one inspection shall be made after blooming starts, preferably after some bolls are open.


Field Standards


General Requirements

Unit of Certification

The unit of certification shall be a field, but a portion of a field may be certified provided precautions can be taken to prevent contamination from the portion not certified.



For Upland type cotton the isolation distance shall be a natural barrier or crop boundary, except minimum isolation shall be 100 feet if the contaminating source
differs by easily observed morphological characteristics from the field to be inspected.


For Egyptian type cotton the isolation shall be 1320 feet from any other type of cotton for Foundation and Registered and 660 feet for Certified seed.


Specific Requirements

Factor Maximum permitted Ratio of plants: Foundation Maximum permitted Ratio of plants: Registered  Maximum permitted Ratio of plant: Certified
Other varieties:Variety None 1:35,000  1:7,000


Referee Sample

A representative two-pound sample of the seed as it is to be sold shall be submitted to the Association for laboratory analysis.


Seed Standards


Specific Seed Standards

Factor Standards for each class: Foundation Standards for each class: Registered Standards for each class: Certified
Pure seed (minimum)  98.50%  98.50% 98.50%
Inert matter (maximum) 1.50% 1.50% 1.50%
Objectionable weeds
(maximum) 1
None  None  1 seed
per 2 lb.
Prohibited weeds (maximum) 2 None None None
Other kinds including other varieties (maximum) None None None
Germination (maximum) 80.00%  80.00% 80.00%

1Cocklebur (Xanthium spp.), Sandbur (Cenchrus pauciflorus).

2See Section XLI P.