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Improvement Association

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Amplification of General Certification Standards

For a field of any perennial grass to be eligible for certification, the grower must notify the Association during the year of seeding that he intends to certify subsequent crops although he need not certify the field the first or any subsequent year.


Land Requirements

A field to be eligible for the production of Foundation seed must not have grown or been seeded to the same species during the previous five years.


A field to be eligible for the production of Registered or Certified seed must not have grown or been seeded to the same species during the previous year except to a certified class of the same variety equal or superior to that of the crop seeded.


Field Inspection

A field inspection must be made each year after the crop is headed but prior to harvest.


Field Standards


General Requirements

Unit of Certification

The unit of certification shall b e a field, but a portion of a field may be approved provided the discarded portion can be harvested separately and is eliminated from certification.



Factor  Minimum isolation distance required (ft.): Symbol Minimum isolation distance required (ft.): Foundation  Minimum isolation distance required (ft.): Registered Minimum isolation distance required (ft.): Certified
All cross-pollinated
900 300 165
Strains at least 80%
60 30  15
Strains entirely apomictic A 60 30  15
Highly self-fertile species S 60  30 15

These species are classified in paragraph VI, Section B, under Specific Seed Standards.


Specific Requirements

Factor Maximum permitted in each class: Foundation Maximum permitted in each class: Registered  Maximum permitted in each class: Certified
Other varieties None 1% 2%


Referee Sample

A representative sample of at least one-half pound as the seed is to be sold shall be submitted to the Association for laboratory analysis.


Seed Standards


General Seed Standards

Foundation, Registered and Certified seed shall meet the following general standards except for: Certified bromegrass seed which may contain not more than three percent alfalfa, alsike clover, white clover, red clover or their combinations.

Factor Maximum permitted in each class: Foundation Maximum permitted in each class: Registered Maximum permitted in each class: Certified
Weed Seed (maximum) 0.10% 0.30% 0.50%
Prohibited weeds (maximum)2 None None None
Total other crop seed (maximum)  0.20% 1.00% 2.00%
Other varieties (maximum) 0.10% 1.00%  2.00%
Other kinds (maximum) 0.10%  0.10% 0.25%
(For forage use) (maximum) 0.10% 0.10% 0.50%

1Certified grass seed shall contain not more than 0.1 percent cheat.
2See Section XLI P, also, Texas blueweed (Helianthus ciliaris), dock (Rumex spp.), ox-eye daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), red or sheep sorrel Rumex acetosella), purple nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium), horsenettle (Solanum carolinense), and wild mustard (Brassica kaber).



Specific Seed Standards


Non-chaffy seeded species

Species  Type of
inert matter
(maximum): * F
inert matter
(maximum): R C
weed seed
(maximum): F 
weed seed
(maximum): R C
pure seed
(minimum): F
pure seed
(minimum): R C
(minimum): F R C
Bromegrass, Smooth
(Bromus inermis)
C 15.0 15.0  0.30 1.00 85.0 85.0 80
Fescue, Tall
C 5.0 5.0 0.30 0.50  95.0 95.0 80
Lovegrass, Sand
(Eragrostis trichodes)
2.5 2.5  0.50 1.50 97.5 97.5 75
Lovegrass, Weeping
(Eragrostis curvula)
3.0  3.0 0.30 0.50 97.0  97.0 80
(Dactylis glomerata)
C 15.0  15.0 0.30 0.50 85.0 85.0  80
(Panicum virgatum) 
C 10.0  10.0 0.50 1.50  90.0  90.0 50
Wheatgrass, Western
(Agrophyron smithii) 
C 15.0 15.0  0.30 0.50 85.0 85.0  70

* Class of seed F = Foundation, R=Registered, C=Certified


Chaffy seeded species

Species Type of reproduction Pure live seed index1
    F R C *
Bluestem, Big
(Andropogon gerardi)
C 12
Bluestem, Caucasian
(A. caucasicus) 
A or S  12
Bluestem, Little (Andropogon scoparius) C 12
Bluestem, Turkestan
(A. ischaemum)
A or S 12
(Buchloe dactyloides) 
8 (burs)
(Buchloe dactyloides)
60 (treated or dehulled)
Grama, Blue
(Bouteloua gracilis)
C 24
Grama, Side-oats
(B. curtipendula) ²
C & A  30
Indian grass
(Sorghastrum nutans) 

* Class of seed F = Foundation, R=Registered, C=Certified
1Pure live seed index equals percent purity times percent germination divided by 100.
2In determining germination for side-oats grama, the seed unit shall be defined as a spike containing one or more caryopses.