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Improvement Association

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Land Requirements

In order to be eligible for certification, the crop of millet must be planted on land that did not produce millet the previous season unless the previous season’s crop was grown from a certified class of seed of the same variety.


Handling of Crop Prior to Inspection

Roguing of off-types shall be done prior to blooming.


Field Inspection

Fields shall be inspected at least once prior to harvest, preferably after pods are well developed.


Field Standards

Fields producing Foundation or Registered seed shall be inspected during bloom, preferably in full bloom.


Fields producing Foundation, Registered or Certified seed shall be inspected before harvest but after the seed begins to mature.


If off-type plants are found at the time of inspection, all seed heads within a radius of five feet of these plants shall be removed from the field before the field is approved for certification.


General Requirements

Unit of Certification

The unit of certification shall be a field, but a portion of a field may be approved provided the discarded portion can be harvested separately and is eliminated from certification.



Factor Standards for each class (feet) Standards for each class (feet) Standards for each class (feet)
Minimum isolation from other varieties or the same variety produced from uncertified seed Foundation  Registered Certified
  1,320  1,320  660

The isolation between millets of different genus is 6 feet.


Specific Requirements

Factor Maximum permitted for each class: Foundation Maximum permitted for each class: Registered  Maximum permitted for each class: Certified
Other varieties (definite):Variety 1:20,000 1:10,000 1:5,000
Other varieties (doubtful):Variety 1:10,000 1:5,000 1:2,500 (5 plants)
Other kinds  None None Per acre
Prohibited weeds ¹ None None None

1See Section XLI P.


Referee Sample

A representative two-pound sample of the seed as it is to be sold shall be submitted to the Association for laboratory analysis.


Seed Standards

Factor Standards for each class: Foundation Standards for each class: Registered Standards for each class: Certified
Pure seed (minimum) 99.00%  99.00%  99.00% 
Inert matter (maximum) 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
Weed seed (maximum) .05% 0.25  0.25%
Prohibited weeds (maximum)¹ None None None
Other kinds, including other
varieties (maximum)
None None 0.02%
Germination (minimum) 70.00%  70.00%  70.00% 

1See Section XLI P