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Improvement Association

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Land Requirements

Certified seed must be produced on land which did not produce any other variety of okra or an uncertified crop of the same variety the previous year. It is recommended that okra for certified seed production be grown on land free of nematodes.


Field Inspection

Field inspection will be made after some of the pods have assumed their mature size.


Field Standards


General Requirements

Unit of Certification

The unit of certification shall be a field.



To be eligible for certification, an okra seed field must be isolated from fields of any other variety or fields of the same variety that do not meet the variety purity requirements for certification as follows:


Class Feet
Foundation 1,320
Registered 1,320
Certified  825


Specific Requirements

Factor Maximum permitted for each class: Foundation Maximum permitted for each class: Registered  Maximum permitted for each class: Certified
Other varieties (definite):Variety None 1:2,500 1:1,250
Other varieties (doubtful):Variety None 1:750 1:500
Inseparable noxious weeds ¹  None None None

1Noxious weeds producing seed that are similar to okra seed in size and specific gravity so that they cannot be cleaned from the seed by the regular method of cleaning.


Referee Sample

A representative one-pound sample of seed as it is to be sold shall be submitted to the Association for laboratory analysis.


Seed Standards

Factor Standards for each class: Foundation Standards for each class: Registered Standards for each class: Certified
Pure seed (minimum) 99.0% 99.0% 98.0%
Inert matter (maximum) 1.0% 1.0% 2.0%
Weed seed (maximum) None None  3 per lb.
Prohibited weeds (maximum)¹ None None None
Other kinds ³  None 0.1%  0.2%
Other varieties (maximum) None  0.2% 0.5%
Total germination and hard seed
N.S.² 65.0%  65.0%

1See Section XLI P.
2No standards
3Other kinds shall not exceed 2 seeds per lb. in Registered; 3 per lb. in Certified