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Improvement Association

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Land Requirements

Wheat intended for certification shall not be grown on land which produced a wheat grain crop of the same kind the previous year unless the crop was from certified seed of the same variety.


One year must elapse between destruction of a stand of a variety and establishment of a stand of a specific class of a variety of the same kind. Requirement is waived if the previous crop was grown from certified seed of the same variety.


Field Inspection

A field inspection will be made prior to harvest after the grain is fully headed and has assumed a mature color.


Field Standards


General Requirements


Unit of Certification

The unit of certification shall be a field, but a portion of a field may be approved provided the discarded portion can be harvested separately and is eliminated from certification.



Wheat (All Types)

Field boundaries must be clearly marked. If boundaries are determined by means other than permanent fixtures (fences, roads, hedges, etc.), such boundary must be no less than 10 feet from a non-certified field of the same variety, another variety or other small grain.


Highly Cross Pollinating Wheat Varieties

There shall be at least 50 feet of isolation for highly cross pollinating varieties of wheat from other small grains of the same kind unless it is of the same variety grown from certified seed.


Specific Requirements

Factor Maximum permitted for each class: Foundation Maximum permitted for each class: Registered  Maximum permitted for each class: Certified
Other varieties (maximum)  1:3,000 heads 1:2,000 heads 1:1,000 heads
Inseparable other crops
(maximum) ¹
1:10,000 heads 1:10,000 heads 1:2,000 heads
Objectionable weeds whose
seed are inseparable (maximum) ²
None None None

1Inseparable other crops shall include crop plants, the seed of which cannot be thoroughly removed by the usual methods of cleaning. Rye in winter wheat and barley in oats are well known examples. No rye is permitted in wheat.
2Noxious weeds, seed of which are inseparable, must be destroyed by rouging or mowing before field inspection is made. Uncontrolled areas of field bindweed shall be rejected.


If Jointed Goatgrass, Rescuegrass. Ryegrass or Wild oats are found during field inspection secondary cleaning equipment (indent disk/cylinder or gravity table) must be used when conditioning.


Referee Sample

A representative two-pound sample of seed as it is to be sold shall be submitted to the Association for laboratory analysis. Any sample found to contain rye and/or triticale in any amount will be immediately rejected and no further cleaning and/or testing will be permitted.


Seed Standards

Factor Standards for each class: Foundation Standards for each class: Registered Standards for each class: Certified
Pure seed (minimum) 98.00% 98.00% 98.00%
Inert matter (maximum)1 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
Weed seed (maximum) 0.10%  0.10%  0.10% 
Objectionable weeds (maximum) 0 0 0
Total other crop seeds (maximum)  0.06% 0.10% 0.10%
Other varieties (maximum) 0.05% 0.10% 0.20%
Other kinds (maximum) 2 0.01% 0.02% 0.05%
Germination (minimum) 85.00% 85.00% 85.00%
Diseases 3 - - -
Test Weight  None None 56 lb.

1Wheat shall not contain more than 2 percent inert matter other than broken seed.
2For other small grains the maximum of 1 per pound in Foundation, 2 per pound in Registered and 5 per pound in Certified must not be exceeded. No rye permitted in wheat.
3If chemically controlled seed-borne diseases are noted upon field inspection or laboratory observation, seed treatment is required.